Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

you n me

Love u sayank,,, sudah berjalan selama
8 bulan, dihitung sejak 11 April 2010 pukul 02.00 Wita.
semoga kita selamanya...
moga kamu yang terbaik,,, thanks sudah menemaniku slama ini, dengan suasana suka dan duka,,i want to make u happy..
maybe, i cannt to express my feelings in word, so i hope u believe me,,,that i luph you,, :*
honestly, I'm afraid if you're mad at me, because I can not relieve your anger. sometimes, ure anger makes me sick and finallyi cried. I was very sloppy :(
I hope you understand, though I always make u disappointed
and thanks for all this time :D
By E.F 4 u H.E.S